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The actor Michel Blanc died suddenly, leaving the Splendid team and his many admirers in mourning. In 1986, during the filming of the film “Tenue de soirée”, Michel Blanc confided in the Sygma TV team about his desire to renew himself as an actor.
Retrouvez sur le site de GP archives plusieurs centaines d’heures témoignant de l’histoire des Jeux, de leurs préparatifs et du déroulé des événements. Le film exceptionnel de Jean de Rovera sur les Jeux de la VIIIe Olympiade tenus à Paris du 4 mai au 27 juillet 1924 met en lumière les principales disciplines et les exploits de grands sportifs dont les noms résonnent toujours un siècle plus tard : René Lacoste, Johnny Weissmuller, Paavo Nurmi et tant d’autres.
Last July 16, Jane joined Serge, and it’s a great emotion to see her studio recording in 1970 in front of the cameras of Gaumont. So long, Melody...
Claude Brasseur left us to find his friends in Heaven. At the Brasseur’s, comedy has been a family affair since 1820. In 1984, for Sygma's cameras, we met Alexandre, son of Claude, grandson of Pierre, and future actor. Claude Brasseur then talked about his family vocation.
Our website will be out of order on August 25th. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for anticipating your orders.
Fashion designer Paco Rabanne has passed away at the age of 88. He summoned metal to the catwalks of haute couture in the late 1960s, creating bold fashion in the psychedelic spirit of the time.
Gina Lollobrigida, one of the unrivaled gems of Italian cinema, has passed away at the honorable age of 95. Undisputed star from the 1940s until the 1980s when she began to put her career on hold, Gina received an almost hysterical welcome everywhere she traveled, in her native country or even in Paris, in 1955, when she was the host of the City of Lights for the premiere of "Bread, love and jealousy", under the cameras of Pathé
A little bird is gone, after 93 years made of existentilism, freedom, cinema and songs. From Saint Germain des Prés to Ramatuelle, she walked her black hair on stage until her 89th spring. In 1966, in a filmed portrait made by Pathé, Juliette talks about men, and her daily wonder being alive.
Maybe a letter would be better, the old santa doesn't seem to hear very well...We've heard that is looking for a translator for these charming little girls' requests. Anyone?
Our website will be out of order on December 19th & 20th 2022. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for anticipating your orders.
The Queen is dead. The whole world had joined the United Kingdom to celebrate this year the 70 years of reign of its queen Elisabeth II, who acceded to the throne on February 6, 1952 at the age of 25. Her coronation the following year was a landmark, for the first time cameras were allowed to film inside Westminster, and Pathé celebrated the sovereign in a large color report. The Queen is dead, God save the King!
Boris Vian was born on 1920 the 10th of March in Ville d’Avray. He will have gone through a war and barely half a century, but with what splendor ! In 1952, the dashing thirty-something was chased by Geneviève Page…
60 years ago, France rejuvenated with the arrival of baby boomers. Almost a quarter of the French population joined the school benches starting their school year. Alone or with their brothers and sisters, serious or late, the students had no choice but to go back to school, even if some tried to escape at the last minute in front of the Eclair operator’s cameras ! We wish an excellent back to school to the students of 2020, with a smile and the necessary physical distance...
Our website will be out of order on December 19th and 20th.. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for anticipating your orders.
More than 100 years ago in Chamonix, we climbed the slopes without a drag lift, we were skiing in skirts, and the springboards were not protected. Live winter sports !
When a Gardois meets a Charolaise... It happens at the Porte de Versailles, where the famous French Agricultural Competition took place for the first time in 1925 inaugurated by President Gaston Doumergue. In 1964, it will become the International Agricultural Exhibition. Welcome, calves, cows, pigs !
On November 9th 1989 the Berlin Wall falls after more than 28 years of existence. On November 10th 1989 the citizens of the GDR are warmly welcomed by the people of West Berlin. Guten Morgen! and handshakes are exchanged on these very moving images shot by Thierry Morel (TYM Video Production).
To learn the alphabet, no matter where you learn, and on St Louis Island in 1932, when there is no room at school, we teach in an old shop. Welcome back everyone !
The European elections will take place on 25 and 26 May in France. Forty years ago, the citizens of the member countries voted for the first time, and the children of 1979 had strong views on the construction of Europe...
On the night of March 29 to 30, UK will officially leave the European Union. Our British cousins have settled there almost 3 years by referendum, but 45 years ago, in 1974, the question was already on the agenda, during the economic crisis raging in the country. At the time, the Labor Party was for leaving the UE, as illustrated by this interview of one of their representatives, from Gaumont Collection...
Isabelle Huppert is nominated this year for the best actress Oscars. We wish her as much success as Simone Signoret who, in 1960, became one of the rare French winner of this status.
Like every year, Santa Claus is ready and waiting to accomplish everyone’s wishes. We hope you were wise, and wish you a happy festive season and shoes filled with presents !
In 1964, after successfull completion of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro gives us his recipe for perfect lasagna as he’s leading his men into battle. His secret ingredient, it’s béchamel !
November 3rd 2016, is the World Kindness day. Created in 2009 in France, maybe we can find its origin in 1951, when Paris was starting its "crusade for kindness".
As every year, All Saints' Day is November 1st . On this occasion, Eclair Journal takes us to a tour of Parisian cemeteries and famous graves.
Here are few advices to spend your energy after Christmas and New Year's Eve. (from reference 5712GJ 00007)
The Grand Palais celebrates "l'enfant terrible de la mode" with an exhibition from April 1st to August 3rd 2015. Here in 1998, he spoke about the designer he would be 20 years later. (from reference 2009JL 00026 - Jean Luret Collection)
On the occasion of the Christmas season, Parisian luxury trades present us a choice of charming and original gifts. Are you tempted?(from reference 3651EJ 26532)
Born on January 21st 1905, he would have turned 110. Happy Birthday Mr Christian Dior. (from reference 5533GJ 00001)
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